KSolve LLC Apps

Pre-Algebra - Percents 3.5
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device ortablet or Google TV. Once the application is installed, you do notneed internet access. This application teaches you pre-algebra -percents, discount, mark-up, sales tax, tip and simple interest inan easy to understand fashion. Each point is described by a highlyexperienced math tutor in a video.Also has flashcards and ACT / SAT style test.No Ads.Download our other applications on math as well. Happylearning!Key Words : Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, ACt, SAT, Percents,Percentages, discount, mark-up, tip, sales tax simple interest,app, awesome, kid, book, guide, twitter, facebook, freeupdates.This application is part of KSMath Series.
KSolve LLC
EXPONENTS MADE VERY SIMPLE TOUNDERSTAND.Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet. Once theapplication is installed, you do not need internet access. Thisapplication teaches you about exponents and exponential functionsin an easy to understand fashion. Each point is described by ahighly experienced math tutor in a video.Application also has flashcards and SAT/ACT style test.Download our other applications on math as well. Happylearning.This application is part of KSMath Series
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device ortablet. Once the application is installed, you do not need internetaccess. This application teaches you basics of Pre-Algebra in aneasy to understand fashion. Each point is described by a highlyexperienced math tutor. Download our other applications on math aswell. Happy learning.This application is part of KSMath Series.
PreAlgebra - RATIOS 3.1
KSolve LLC
This app is designed to teach Ratios,Proportions, Rate, Cross Product and Scale Model by highlyqualified tutor. This app not only includes the learning part butTest, FlashCards and Many examples to help you understand theconcepts easily and helps you to remember them.This app will run on your mobile device or tablet or Google TV.Once the application is installed, you do not need internet access.Happy learning.This application is part of KSMath Series.keywords : kid, book, guide, facebook, free updates, app, awesome,ratios, pre algebra, math, algebra, fraction, proportions, rate,scale model
KSolve LLC
ALGEBRA 1 AND PRE-ALGEBRA FORMULAS ANDPROPERTIES.Made very simple to understand and follow.You can test your knowledge and use FlashCards t o memorize theconcepts.Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet or Google TV.Once the application is installed, you do not need internet access.This application lists all important formulas and properties foralgebra and pre-algebra. Each formula or property is described by ahighly experienced math tutor in an easy to understand fashion. Gothrough these these formulas over and over again for a strongfoundation in algebra. Download our other applications on math aswell. Happy learning.Quick reference to useful properties and algebraic formulas.This application is part of KSMath Series.keywords: book, kid, algebra, math, formula, properties, app,awesome, guide, facebook, twitter, free updates, yahoo, game, news,youtube.
RingFu For Seminole County FL 1.4
KSolve LLC
When you are in your school,RingFuautomatically turns OFF the ringer!When you leave the school, RingFu automatically turns ONtheringer!No setup required!Works like a magic!!!!We are in the 21st century and technology is changing as fastasthe speed of light. Now a days, we just call or text ourfriendsinstead of physically talking to them. Even school can'tkeep usaway from our glorious smart-phones. We all(students andfacultymembers) take our phones to school. Some people just turnoff theirphone, instead of turning off ringer. After school, theymightforget to turn the phone back ON, causing them to potentiallymisscalls. Also, if your phone goes off in class, you could getintrouble. For example if you are doing FCAT, and your phoneringsduring testing period, your test can be disqualified withnograde.kid, book, free, schoolRingFu runs in the background. Will turn off theringerautomatically, when you enter school. For now, RingFu onlyworksfor Seminole County Florida public high and middle schools.Ringeris turned back ON, when you leave the schools.Created by Pareena, a student herself.
AP Calculus 6.0
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet. Once theapplication is installed, you do not need internet access. Thisapplication teaches you AP Calculus in an easy to understandfashion. Each point is described by a highly experienced mathtutor. Download our other applications on math as well. Happylearning. This application is part of KSMath Series.
Pre-Algebra - Integers 5.1
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet or Google TV.Once the application is installed, you do not need internet access.This application teaches you Pre-Algebra- Integers in an easy tounderstand fashion. Each point is described by a highly experiencedmath tutor. Download our other applications on math as well. Happylearning. This application is part of KSolve's Math Series.
Basics of Algebra 1 6.0
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet. Once theapplication is installed, you do not need internet access. Thisapplication teaches you basics of algebra1, including, exponents,linear functions, radicals, quadratic equations etc in an easy tounderstand fashion. Each point is described by a highly experiencedmath tutor. Download our other applications on math as well. Onceyou have gone through the lesson, test your knowledge with a test.Happy learning. This application is part of KSolve's Math Series.
Pre-Algebra - Fractions 6.0
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet or Google TV.Once the application is installed, you do not need internet access.This application teaches you Pre-Algebra Fractions And MixedNumbers in an easy to understand fashion. Each point is describedby a highly experienced math tutor. Download our other applicationson math as well. Happy learning. This application is part ofKSolve's Math Series.
Pre-Algebra - Probability 1.10
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet or GoogleTV.Once the application is installed, you do not need internetaccess.This application teaches you pre-algebra - probability,permutationand combination in an easy to understand fashion. Eachpoint isdescribed by a highly experienced math tutor. Download ourotherapplications on math as well. Happy learning. This applicationispart of KSolve's Math Series.
Algebra 1 - INEQUALITIES 6.0
KSolve LLC
You can learn inequalities anywhere on your mobile device ortablet.Once the application is installed, you do not need internetaccess.This application teaches you Algebra 1 - Inequalities in aneasy tounderstand fashion. Each point is described by a highlyexperiencedmath tutor. Download our other applications on math aswell. Happylearning. This application is part of the KSolve mathSeries. Thisis part of middle school math and helps you with theSAT and ACTexam prep.
Algebra 1 - Radicals 6.0
KSolve LLC
Learn math anywhere on your mobile device or tablet. Oncetheapplication is installed, you do not need internet access.Thisapplication teaches you radical expressions and equations inaneasy to understand fashion. Each point is described by ahighlyexperienced math tutor. Download our other applications onmath aswell. Happy learning. This application is part of KSolve'sMathSeries.
GEOMETRY - Basics of Geometry 6.0
KSolve LLC
This App gives a good overview of Geometry in easy tounderstandfashion. yahoo, game, news, youtube.
Time-Management 6.0
KSolve LLC
This app has 3 parts. Learn, test to verify your understandingandflashcards to help memorize the information. The purpose ofthisapp is to put a light on the knowledge of the time management.Howthe time can be efficiently used.
KSolve LLC
For Kids Ages 4 to 8 yrs. Kids learn ADDITION,SUBTRACTION,MULTIPLICATION, AND DIVISION. Lots of examples andFlashCards tohelp them memorize. Learn arithmetic for kids anywhereon yourmobile device or tablet or Google TV. You don't needinternetaccess. Lessons are described by a highly experienced mathtutor inan easy to understand fashion. Download our otherapplications onmath as well. Happy learning. This application ispart of theKSolve Math Series. Addition, Subtraction,Multiplication, Division
KSolve LLC
In this app you learn third grade science in an easy tounderstandmanner. Lots of flashcards are provided with questions tohelp inmemorizing the information.